Afro-Cuban Religious Arts: Popular Expressions of Cultural Inheritance in Espiritismo and Santería
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"Challenges the reader in provocative new ways. Points to the salient call to action presented by local Santería and Espiritismo arts, ritual, performance, and other cultural forms in addressing core questions of history, legacy, and new beginnings."--Suzanne Preston Blier, author of Royal Arts of Africa
"A much needed study of the manner in which the religious art of women is a fundamental dimension of Afro-Cuban religious ritual, both in the public and private spheres."--Michelle Gonzalez Maldonado, author of Afro-Cuban Theology
From a plantation in Havana Province in the 1880s to a religious center in Spanish Harlem in the 1960s, this book profiles four generations of women from one Afro-Cuban religious family. The women were connected by their prominent roles as leaders in the religions they practiced and the dramatic ritual artwork they created. Each was a medium in Espiritismo--communicating with dead ancestors for guidance or insight--and also a santera, or priest of Santería, who could engage the oricha pantheon.