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Candle || Chime
Candle || Chime
Candle || Chime
Candle || Chime
Candle || Chime
Candle || Chime
Candle || Chime
Candle || Chime
Candle || Chime
Candle || Chime
Candle || Chime
Candle || Chime
Candle || Chime
Candle || Chime
Candle || Chime

Candle || Chime

Regular price $1.50 Sale

Listing is for one candle. 

Size: Chime, 4" tall
About: Select the color of chime that suits your practice/intention best!

  • Black: For sucking up and destroying negative energy. Often used in banishing or protection rituals and used in abundance during Samhain rituals and celebration. 
  • White: Perfect for any spell and can be influenced by your intentions quite easily. Try carving your intention into them or rubbing them with oil that matches your intentions.
  • Red: Red candles bring in sexual passion and energy, health, and vitality. If you're looking to come into your power, red candles will work well.  
  • Orange: Relates to the Sacral Chakra and are used for enhancing creative energy. They are also often used in housewarming spells. 
  • Yellow: Brings joy and confidence. They are great for drawing in solar energy and burning away imperfections. 
  • Green: Works with the heart chakra and are great for attracting love. They also can draw abundance and are perfect for money-spells. 
  • Light Blue: Brings a calming energy and invite positive spiritual energy. These are wonderful for dedicating to deities or to burn while meditating. Light blue radiates tranquility. 
  • Dark Blue: Use blue candles to absorb sorrow, enhance communication, and promote sleep and healing. Use in rituals for peace, healing, or communication, or meditate with a blue candle to obtain wisdom from your guides. Represents the ocean and sky.
  • Lavender: Used to get closer with spirit and draw wisdom from the universe. 
  • Purple: Used to enhance psychic powers and are wonderful to burn while reading Tarot or scrying. They can also help you get in touch with the spiritual.
  • Pink: Perfect for romance or love spells but also work well for self-love and friendship spells. If you're looking to be kinder to others or kinder to yourself you can't go wrong with pink. 
  • Brown: Useful for spells involving pets, animals, or nature. Use in pet protection and healing spells. Brown candles are also good for house blessing, grounding, and stability spells. 
  • Gold: Gold candles symbolize solar energy and attract luck, prosperity, health, and happiness.
  • Silver: Silver candles symbolize lunar energy and attract success and stability. They are also useful for repelling negative energy and increasing psychic ability.

*Disclaimer Metaphysical claims are based on lore, history, and personal experience and should not take the place of professional medical care.