Curio || Cat's Eye Shell
Regular price
This listing is for one cat's eye shell.
Size: 0.5" - 1.5"
About: Cat's Eye Shell is a natural biological curio that is held in high repute as a magical charm. Because of its unique and shiny eye-like appearance, it is thought to be particularly efficacious in warding off the Evil Eye or Mal Occhio. In former times this curio was so highly valued for such a purpose that jewelry made from a Cat's Eye Shell was worn as a protective amulet. Some folks carry their Cat's Eye Shell in a red flannel conjure bag with a pinch of Rue for protection from Crossed Conditions and add a pinch of Slippery Elm Bark for immunity from Slander and the harmful tales told by covetous neighbors, back-biters, and hidden enemies posing as friends.