Paper in My Shoe by Catherine Yronwode
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Learn how to craft spiritual name-paper links to distant people, employ written commands to get your way in life, use printed prayers and paper currency in candle spells, and carry prepared papers on your person for mastery and control. Paper in My Shoe is a practical manual that will teach you the art of written magic in the African American traditions of Hoodoo and Rootwork.
Author Catherine Yronwode is the proprietor of the Lucky Mojo Curio Company, a manufactory for traditional herb-based conjure supplies, and the pastor of the Missionary Independent Spiritual Church. She is the author of Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic: Hoodoo in Theory and Practice; and Throwing the Bones: How to Foretell the Future with Bones, Shells, and Nuts. She lives on an old farmstead in rural Northern California with her husband, a dog, cats, and chickens.